Get Your FREE Website Today

No credit card or login required.

How It Works

Create a FREE stunning website in 4 easy steps.
Try it for 3 days! No credit card or login required.

If you love it, keep it. Your first month is
only $25, and your subscription continues
at just $25 each month.

Try it Free Now

Update Your Website & Track Visitors - All From Your Phone!

Be the Boss of Your Website - From Your Phone! Update content, track visitors, and stay in control with our intuitive mobile Dashboard.

Try it Free Now

Launch your business website for just $25 a month!

This all-inclusive plan includes everything you need to succeed online: a free website builder, 4GB of storage, a mobile-friendly dashboard, simple analytics to track your audience, and dedicated customer support.

Plus, get access to our monthly webinar tutorials to help you optimize your website and maximize your online presence.

Try it Free Now


Try it free for 3 days! No strings attached. See if our CMS Bot website is the perfect fit for you with our complimentary 3-day trial. Explore all the features and decide if it enhances your experience.

If you love it, keep it. Your first month is only $25, and your subscription continues at just $25 each month.

Design skills? Not required! CMS Bot makes website creation a breeze. In just 4 easy steps and under 5 minutes, you can have a stunning website for your business.

CMS Bot has a low monthly subscription $25 fee to keep your website running smoothly.

Need a domain name? We can help you find and purchase one (usually a one-time fee of $25). Renewals are typically $25 annually, just like most domain registrars.

Contact Us

Have additional questions regarding CMS Bot websites? Contact us via phone or email.